April 24, 2008

Welcome Arayah and Caleb

A while ago I made mention of a very special adoption announcement. Gary and Lisa Passaro's adoption of Arayah and Caleb went through in February, and in March Gary went to Liberia to bring them home.

I was with Lisa at the airport at midnight to welcome them home. We had decided not to use any flash, figuring having grainy pictures was better than frightening or startling these after their long journey. Here is my favorite picture of their homecoming:

The Passaro family is overjoyed to announce their adoption of these two beautiful children, and we are honored that they chose use to design their announcement. Lisa had brought her camera with her one day when she took the kids to the park. She loved how happy they looked playing in the sun, and wanted to use them in the announcement.

If you would like Perez Sisters Photography to custom create a one-of-a-kind graphic design for you, please email us at perezsisters@gmail.com

April 18, 2008

PHOTO FLASHBACK**: the day the heavens poured open

The other day I was organizing some old photographs to archive, and I came across this photo. The day I took this photo, I had been wandering around with my camera, just wasting time shooting anything of interest I came across.

Suddenly and without any build-up whatsoever, these angry clouds came rolling in at an alarming rate, blocking out the sun in all but the small lines around each cloud. It literally looked like the sky was on fire. Rather than running for shelter from what was surely going to be a torrential rain storm, I took this picture. Such a shame I had black and white film.

**Photo Flashback Bonus: the first person who can tell me WHERE in Rochester this picture was taken wins a gift certificate worth 25% off any photo package. You can post a comment, or email us at perezsisters@gmail.com

**UPDATE** Congratulations to Jimmy, our Photo Flashback winner! He has won a gift certificate for 25% off a portrait sitting for his two daughters.

Thanks to everyone who emailed their guesses to us. Check our blog regularly for our next contest!