June 19, 2009

Pre-Prom Portraits in the Park 2009

Both Melinda and I have been swamped as of late with juggling work and finishing up the school year. But one thing we had to make time for was our annual Pre-Prom Portraits in the Park!

Like last year, we did portraits in the park before the prom, to give the kids from The Charles Finney school (where I teach) something that was different than the typical pictures you get at the prom. This year we chose Genesee Valley Park because it was close to the prom venue.

Alliteration aside, here are some of our favorites:

Will and Rebekah S:

This photo is cute with a select color effect:


Dan and Rachael:

And again with a select color effect (because do you remember when YOU last wore blue eyeshadow???):

We also snapped a quick shot of Dan alone:

Billy and Angela:

I love this photo with an artistic filter applied:

Christoph (our German foreign exchange student) and Rebekah O:

We added a select color effect to this one too:

If you would like to see more prom portraits, please go to our Flickr page.

If you would like us to shoot portraits for you, please email us at perezsisters@gmail.com

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